Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Apartment hunting

Its that time again. Shiv and me have been viewing apartments for the last few days. We have a few criteria beyond the usual roof walls doors and (intact) windows, and many places are meeting almost all of them. None have actually managed to jump that last final hurdle and meet all the requirements, which is weird considering most of them are pretty sensible. So far the worst offender is the lack of a dryer for clothes. In a flat. Seriously how would that work.

One place didn't have a balcony, dryer or hotpress!!! WTF!

We've also decided we hate tiny fridges, and shiv wants somewhere south facing so we have natural light for her plants. Strangely the south facing isn't that hard to come across. We'll be going for a two bedroom place since we have so much stuff, and might convert one of the rooms into a games room, or not, who knows. The two main contenders also have nice big tables for gaming nights, in huge open plan rooms.

We'll be moving in a few weeks. Requests for help may be made, or partys may be planed, so keep your weeksends free. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm always ready to help, plus if I help you move to a nice new place with big table then you can host games for a while :p
