Friday, August 21, 2009

The (new) World of Dorkness

I like this system/setting compared to the previous one. One of the best (in my opinion) changes is the removal of absolute truths from the mythologies in general. In previous books any mythology presented was treated as absolute truth, and therefore most players took it at face value. Now its presented as it should be, as an actual mythology, not belived by all, containing some symbolism, and even a contradiction or two.

The alternative mythos for each group (werewolf, vampire or whatever) don't even make a pretense of meshing together.

Another issue that was present in the previous WoD was balance between the different creatures/factions you could play. Werewoves ruled close combat utterly at lower xp levels, capable of obliterating entire parties of vampires alone, however once a vampire was around for a while the tables were turned, and don't even get me started on mages. Now, with the changes to mythology and mechanics, a cross over game would be fairly easy to run, since there are no 'built in' reason for any one creature/faction to leave the others alone, And while world spanning quasi societies exist for all the different beings the players can play, they are under no obligation to join any of them.

At leat thats my theory. I'll let you know more when I get around to actually running a cross over campaign.

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