Sunday, July 26, 2009

Velocity versus (effective)Volume

I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, but it seems to me as if the slower the person in front of you walks, the more space they seem to take up. Seriously, just try overtaking some snail impersonating moron when walking down the street, it's nearly impossible. They just seem to somehow be in the way, regardless of their actual size.

Of course I have a theory about it but no real supporting evidence. I belive that a human beings velocity is inversly proportional to their effecive volume. Strangly however a stationary human being is not infinite in volume and is, infact, very easy to get past. Other factors seem to alter this as well. The presence of tracksuits upon a person seems to greatly increase their effective volume, as does the presence of a baby, wether walking or within a conveyance of some kind. 

Certain environments also seem to alter situation, with the greatest alteration being in shopping markets where the presence of a trolley or basket some how enables the bearer to fill all available space in an isle even when stationary.

This study is an ongoing process and your input on personal observation is greatly appreciated. Especially with a view to creating an equation to express this phenomenon.


  1. I certainly haven't noticed any corralation between effective volume and... tracksuits... and I tend to automatically give way to anyone with babies or small children. I can't help it, I dunno.

    My pet hate is groups of reeeally tall men. Walking towards you all in a row, they see you approaching in full view and always seem to think that their conversation is clearly so important that I should step out into the traffic rather than expect them to move in an inch or two. I've walked right up to them and had to stop and wait till they nearly walk into me before they'll apologise, abashed and get the hell out of the way...

  2. Siobhan... but They DO apologise

    as to an equation.... % of footpath blocked = (Distance from O'Connell street - speed of idiot) I call this the General Theory of Pavementivity, there are a number of special theories... for special people these include:

    % of footpath blocked = (Distance from O'Connell street - speed of idiot)*number of children in tow

    % of footpath blocked = (Distance from O'Connell street - speed of idiot)*2 (if wearing one half of a tracksuit while explaining loudly, to a companion or indeed anyone who will listen, That he never did nothin and the guard was only startin on him)

    % of footpath blocked = (Distance from O'Connell street - speed of idiot)*blood alcohol level of idiot

    So lets pray that a drunken couple in tracksuit bottoms don't go for a walk near Heuston with their 10 Children... else the city will come to a standstill
